Transformation in an engineering enterprise through 5S. The implementation of 5S is implemented as a project, which facilitates change in our customers. In mechanical engineering, where different machines and individual jobs create a challenging environment, The accumulation of unnecessary items and dirt often leads to chaos. Without a well-established 5S system or practices,...
Basics of Lean methodology with production simulation
Основи на Лийн методологията с производствена симулация или „Как да изградим производство „Точно навреме“, applying lean principles?“ Защо Лийн принципи и Производство „точно навреме“? The fulfillment of your orders is often delayed? You are overwhelmed with different types of blanks and materials, and others often fall short? You have a large volume of work in progress on the lines? Poor communication between planning,...
Training calendar
Календар за предстоящи обучения Ако изпълнението на поръчките закъснява. If labor productivity is low due to excess movements, cross streams etc. If you have a large volume of work in progress, involving a lot of funds. Ако искате да се справите с хаоса и мръсотията по работните места Ако има недобра комуникация между...
5S workplace organization
TOPIC: "5S WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION" or "How to deal with chaos in the company?" Why 5S? Cleanliness and order in your company are far from perfect? Or you've given up on trying to improve them? Workplaces are messy? Chaos in tools and equipment? Губите време в издирване на...
TPM – Total Productive Support
TPM - Тотална Продуктивна Поддръжка или „Как да постигнем максимална ефективност на оборудването?“ Защо TPM - Total Productive Support? Injuries in the company often surprise you? The cleanliness of the machines is not at the desired level? You have high costs for spare parts and losses from downtime and process disruption? Постоянно чувате оправдания...
Certified Lean Practitioner
Сертифициран Lean Практик Тридневен курс на български език с онлайн изпит и сертификат от ILSSI. The internationally certified and accredited course for "Certified Lean Practitioner" teaches managers and employees how to use methods, Lean tools and techniques to improve their business processes. Участниците ще разберат как да водят малки...
7 QC tools – 7 basic quality tools
7 QC tools - 7 основни инструменти за качество Обучението по 7 basic quality tools (7 QC tools) is important for everyone, who wants to improve processes and quality in their organization. Here are some of the main reasons why you should enroll in this training: Подобряване на качеството на...
ТPM – Total productive support
TPM - Total productive support (Total Productive maintenance) ТPM - Total productive maintenance is a system, created and developed in Japan over several decades. With an initial focus on manufacturing and machinery, it evolved into a program, covering almost all activities in the organization. TRM is aimed at: създаване на фирмена култура...
FMEA – Failure Modes Analysis and Their Effects
FMEA – Анализ на режимите на отказ и ефекта от тях Обучението по FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) or Analysis of failure modes and their effect is essential for organizations, who want to improve their ability to identify and manage risks, свързани с продуктите...
Lean Six Sigma – Green belt
Lean Six Sigma training and certification - Зелен колан Петдневен курс на български език с онлайн изпит и сертификат от ILSSI. The internationally certified and accredited course for "Green belt" Lean Six Sigma teaches managers and workers how to use methods, инструменти и техники на Lean Six Sigma за...