Lean създава поток...


In many companies, the production flow is restricted and blocked. Често производствената структура (layout) не e добре обмислена и създава проблеми с придвижването на сериите. Операциите не са балансирани и се получават натрупвания преди тесните места. Липсата на добри практики в планирането, налага чести промени, които много трудно се координират с всички звена и нарушават ритмичната работа.

Lean отговорът на тези проблеми се наричаJust in timeили производствоточно навреме”.

Повече за този модул вижте here.


In many companies the production flow is obstructed and limited. Often the production layout is not well developed and creates problems in moving the goods. the operations are not balanced and piles of WIP occur in front of the bottle-necks. The lack of good practices in planning imposes frequent changes that are difficult to coordinate with all departments and the rhythmic work is obstructed.

The Lean answer to these challenges is calledLust in time production”.

More about it you can find here.


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