
[:bg] makes planning easier, improves communication between the production department and the logistics department, намалява суровия материал в производствените участъци намалява междуоперационните запаси съкръщава времето без добавена стойност лесно се разбира от всички нива в организацията. More about the project - тук.[:in] makes planning easier, improves communication between the production department and the logistics department, намалява суровия материал...

Lean creates flow…

[:bg]In many companies, the production flow is restricted and blocked. Often the production structure (layout) it is not well thought out and creates problems with moving the series. The operations are not balanced and accumulations occur before the bottlenecks. Lack of good planning practices, requires frequent changes, които много трудно се координират с всички звена...

Тотална продуктивна поддържка

[:bg]"Медицинската наука" за производствения организъм. TRM is aimed at: creating a company culture that maximizes the efficiency of the production system; practical organization of production to prevent losses before they occur, throughout the life cycle of the production system with a view to achieving zero accidents, нула...

Orderliness and cleanliness in production?

[:bg]5S is a tool, through which a perfect organization of the workplace is achieved. 5S is an important tool for industrial culture change. 5S is "silent informant" about the company's attitude to quality and everything else. Example of a 5S project - here. More about 5S - here. [:in]5S is a tool through which perfect...