отдолу може да видите превод на английски език Лийн проект в хранително-вкусовата промишленост На няколко места попадахме на коментари, that lean tools are not applied in the food industry (HVP). The purpose of the article is to refute these claims and to briefly share the effects, which can be achieved there. В средно голяма фирма...
What is hidden in closed spaces?
What is hidden in closed spaces? What is hidden in closed spaces - Chaos. This is what we find most often, when we open the closed spaces. Или по-точно казано "hidden", "invisible". We humans are prone to this, which we do not want or cannot arrange to hide. За това удобно ни улесняват различните видове...
Lean production optimization
Lean production optimization and "Just in time" (Just in Time). Analysis, planning, implementation, stream optimization. Results. The project (Lean production optimization), which we will present to you aims to acquaint you with the main stages through a real example, which includes the implementation of our model - "World class manufacturing". Проектът се реализира...
Kan-ban in action
[:bg]Kan-ban in action. In an automotive component manufacturing company, we consulted on the implementation of Kan-ban systems. Through them, it was aimed to switch to "withdrawal" of the materials and blanks from the previous production units and from the company's warehouse. The decision to use Kan-ban was dictated by several issues. Големият асортимент...
Implementation of TPM in a pilot line
[:bg] Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) в пилотна линия В голямо предприятие от металообработващата индустрия съвместно с мениджмънта работихме за внедряването на модула „Тотална продуктивна поддръжка“ (TPM). In this article we will show you some details of the work in one of the lines, selected as "pilot". Първоначално ръководството ни...
5S in the production of plastic products
[:bg]5S in the production of plastic products. Преди да се внедри 5 S in the workshop there was no systematic arrangement and visual management. The layout was not built well and despite the presence of some markings, they were not observed. The workplaces were missing the markings, to denote the distribution of space. Навсякъде имаше хаос – малките инструменти и нужните...